Filming Day Three: Tuesday 14th March:
After school we went to Amy's house again and re-filmed when the dad comes into the house. After looking back at what footage we previously have we realised that the speech and the way the dad came in was very aggressive. When we researched thriller films we saw that most thriller films create gradual suspense so we wanted to make sure that the speech that he said was less aggressive and more of a relaxed conversation. We changed the shot so it was from a side mid angle to show the dad walking in and going to sit straight on the sofa. This looked very effective as it showed the audience that they were unaware of anything that was happening and they weren't worrying too much as they're sitting down. We also decided to change the conversation between the mum and dad to show a gradual rise of tension as the conversation goes on. We decided that a phone call would look effective as it shows an increase of tension for the characters as they start to realise something is not right. We used shot reverse shots to show the conversation that they were both having and a point of view shot to show they're having an important conversation. Overall, I think that this looks very effective as it shows the gradual rise in tension very well. However, when we looked back at the footage some of the parts that the dad said were slightly out of place as the camera died while we were filming. This was only a few different shots so we will be able to quickly film these another day to make sure the conversation is continued on and flows well. The part of the scene where the phone is used we are going to add sound of a phone dial to add tension and show the audience that they're not getting a reply.
Also, we re-filmed the scene in the kitchen where close ups were shown of there worried facial expressions after they find out that the kids are gone and they are no where to be found. When looking back at this footage we were overall very happy with the way it turned out as the facial expressions looked a lot more effective and they also showed more emotion and really showed how they would be feeling. This is a very suspenseful moment in the opening so we wanted to make sure that we were able to add tense music at this point to make the audience feel tense for them in wanting to know where the kids are.
Overall, we are very happy with the footage that we have and we now need to film the part where the kids are shown in a field which is the most suspenseful scene in the whole opening. We also need to re film the parts of the scene where the dad is talking to the mum in the living room to make sure that they flow better. However, overall we are very happy with what we have so far.
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