Thursday, 30 March 2017

Filming Day Five

Filming Day 5: Amendments:

On the 27th March Demi and Amy after school re filmed the parts of the conversation that needed to be improved. The parts that needed to be improved were the angles that the shots were taken and to make sure that the shots and dialogue flowed the best that it could. Demi came up with the idea that instead of him coming into the living room and sitting on the sofa opposite, coming and sitting next to Amy to make the shot reverse shots easier to see and make the lighting similar in both shots. They made the lighting the same by closing the blind and turning the light on as we have done before to make sure that the lighting is continuous throughout what we have filmed. With Amy's idea of Demi sitting next to her it made the shots look a lot better and made them flow. They filmed the conversation differently to how we had done it before and it seemed to work a lot better. Instead of changing the shots each time when a new person speaks they filmed each other continuous and said what they would say so when it came to editing we just needed to split the clip and insert what the other person said to make it flow better. Also, another idea that they had that made the conversation more successful was the idea that the shots of Demi walking in and sitting down were shot as point of view shots. This looks very effective as it shows to the audience that it is normal for them and they don't suspect that anything is wrong. I added the music change at the point of view shot where Demi sits down as it shows the start of when they realise something is wrong with the children. I feel that this conversation is a lot more effective and the shots flow a lot better as the lighting, dialogue and shots work a lot better together. The dialogue in this scene has improved greatly and I feel that it is a lot more suspenseful and works a lot better overall.

They also re filmed the scene where the mum shows the step dad the note as the facial expressions that we had before weren't as good as we wanted. We wanted to make sure that the  close up of the facial expressions were very suspenseful and looked very real. I believe that the new close ups are a lot better and are a good starting point to when the location changes to show what has happened to the children.  They also improved the dialogue making it more dramatic and showing the worry in there faces. I feel that overall, the new conversations and facial expressions that they have filmed are a lot better and with the music they work Delete repeated word

Unfortunately, when we got to class to look at the shots that Demi and Amy had filmed we realised that one of the shots that we needed in the conversation was missing so Amy and I had to quickly film this shot during lunch. The shot and dialogue that we had to re film was the one where she says "they left a note, I'll show you". This is a very important shot that we had so we had to make sure that we added it in for the rest of the dialogue to make sense. I made sure when I filmed that the lighting in the room was like it was before and also the angle that the shot was recorded was in the same frame as all the other previous shots. I have now added this shot and it makes the conversation flow a lot better into the next location's dialogue.

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