Monday, 17 April 2017

Evaluation: Question Seven:

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at our preliminary task I feel that we now have a lot more knowledge about all of the aspects it takes to make a thriller opening and how to plan to make I successful. I feel that with our preliminary task we didn't plan very much and jumped straight into it with filming and had very little knowledge about camera angles, mise-en-scene, sound and editing but however, I feel that we have grown in knowledge and improved and leant new skills and techniques to create a successful final thriller opening, taking into consideration the target audience and a range of conventions.

 Filming - I have learnt that to be able to make a successful thriller opening you need to plan step by step what you're going to do and make sure that each member of your group takes charge of something to make sure that everyone has something to do. I feel that I have grown in confidence when it comes to filming as at the start and during the preliminary task I was unsure about how I could move the camera and still make it continual. Also, I have learnt a lot of new camera angels and how to put these together to make a scene look more effective and professional. In the preliminary task we had basic knowledge of camera angles, shots and how to edit, which is why there is a huge improvement from our preliminary task to our thriller opening. Our thriller opening shows a wide range of shots and sophisticated editing to make it look a lot more effective then before just have one shot before changing to the next scene. Some of the shots that we used in the preliminary task are hard to distinguish with what they actually are. However, in the thriller opening the shots are clearer to see between and to point of what shots what. I feel that we have improved immensely with our camera skills and the improvement in the height and position is evident in the difference between then and now.

Mise-en-scene,sound and camera work - In our preliminary task we had little idea about why mise-en-scene and camera movements were important. However, now we have a vast range of different shots including close ups, mid shots, beind the shoulder shots, point of view shot and high angle shots. We understand now that mking the shots continuous is very important in the making of it because the lighting has to be the same between the scenes which we didn't do in our prelimiary task. I feel that we have also developed in knowledge of why sound is so important and how sound itself can bring so much suspense.

Overall, I feel that their is significant development between the preliminary task  and the thriller opening as it is very evident. I feel that my knowledge about everything that comes together to make it successfull has improved very much. The difference between the shots, sound and camera movement has improved immensly, which my group and I are very happy about.

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