Saturday, 21 January 2017

Feedback from the class presentation (pitch)

Feedback from the class presentation:

In today's lesson we presented our storyline to the rest of the class so we could get some feedback on what to improve and change to improve it. We showed our pitch presentation to the rest of the class(

We received some questions and responses that made us think about our pitch and ways in which we are going to improve it. Some questions that we received from the class where:

  1. A robbery is a very different way to present a thriller -  how are you going to make it as suspenseful as possible?
  2. It seems like a lot to fit into a short opening where you don't need to answer as many questions in the first 2 minutes of the film.
  3. How are you going to pick a name for the film?
  4. What is your target audience going to be and how are you going to make the film appeal to this target audience?

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