Saturday, 21 January 2017

Reason for the change in storyline

Reason for the change in Storyline:

While we were having the feedback from the class we were struggling to find answers to the questions as we were unsure about what we were going to do fully. Amy in our group was away which made it difficult for us to come to a final decision if we were going to go ahead with the idea. After having the feedback and talking to my group, we decided to change the storyline and theme of our thriller opening sequence. After a discussion we looked at different storylines and looked at a few ideas that we felt more comfortable doing as a whole group. After some thought and researching of thriller openings we decided to go with the theme of kidnapping. However, a couple of members of the group still liked the ideas that we had from the first storyline, so we decided to still include some of the old ideas and add them to the new storyline.

We brainstormed what we thought would go with the storyline and eventually came up with the plot of what is going to happen and how we are going to include everyone into the storyline. We overall  feel more confident  about this idea as we feel that we will be able to fit all the thriller techniques we want in the 2 minutes to make it the best it can be as similar to a thriller opening as we can.

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