Sunday, 5 February 2017

Schedule of our Filming

Schedule of Filming:

We have decided to film at Amy's house as the layout of the downstairs is as close to accurate with our storyboard as to what the characters are going to be doing in between the front room, kitchen and doorway. Furthermore, near her house she has a field which will be useful when we come to film the children being taken in the middle of a field. 
 We are going to film the sequence on two separate days as we want to take time filming and take two shots of every camera angle that we shoot so when it comes to editing we can choose the best one of which looks best and fits the best to make it look as continuous as it can with the other shots we have filmed.

Saturday 4th February - We plan to film the first half of the scenes which involve the parts in the house as we will then have the base of the storyline in, before we film the end parts in a different location of the field. We will then film the parts when the mum walks into the house, gets some food, sees the note, watches tv and the step dad walks in asking where the children are. Having this filmed we will then be able to start to edit the clips together to start the opening sequence. We will use the road leading up to Amy's house and the living room, kitchen and front porch to film these parts of the scene. We are going to take it in turns filming so that we get an equal amount of filming time and so while some of us may not be in the scene we will be looking at the lighting and camera angles that we could change or improve to make it better.

We are unsure about the second day that we will be filming but we are thinking some time in the half term.

Thursday 2nd March - We will film the second half of the scenes this day as it is a day that we can all do and it gives us enough time before hand to perfect and edit what we have already filmed. We can add music and other effects to make it as good as possible. We will make sure that any scenes that we need to re film we do this before we start to film the new scenes so we can add these if any scenes are needing to be improved for lighting or other purposes. We will follow our storyboard; changing things if we need to, to improve it. After filming the parts that we need to improve we will then go on to film the other scenes. We will start by filming the scene where the step dad tells the mum that they kids aren't where they were supposed to be. We will then go out onto the field and film the scene where the children are in the middle of the field with tape around there mouths. We will make sure that we wear the same clothes as we did on the last filming day so it is continuous. We will bring the props of some tape where we can tape the children's mouth to make it look as realistic as possible.

*  Updated dates - Tuesday 14th March- After editing what we have got we decided that we need to re-film some parts as it doesn't look as effective. We are going to re film the part where the dad walks into the house as after looking at the aggressive approach that we had at the start we realised that we may need to make it less aggressive so we can build up the tension rather than bring the tension straight away. We will then film again the part where the mum walks into the kitchen from the living room as when we looked back at the filming we realised that half of her head was cut out of the shot. We want to then film parts of the field scene where the children have been taken.

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